Common Search Engine Marketing Mistakes

Search Engine Optimization and Mistakes to Avoid

Search Engine Optimization is done on the website pages to get better rankings in search engine results. It comprises using various techniques like good and updated content, proper use of keywords, internal linking, good one-way links, and keyword research.

However, there are a number of things to avoid to ensure that your efforts do not go waste:

1. Black Hat Optimization Techniques

Black hat SEO refers to all the unethical search engine optimization techniques which the search engines discourage. Some such techniques are:

  1. Keyword stuffing – Using the keyword/s repeatedly to increase the keyword density while compromising on the readability of the content.
  2. Hidden text and links – Writing lists of keywords in the same color as the background color as a means of misleading search engine spiders.
  3. Doorway pages – “Fake” pages built specifically for search engines which readers never get to see as they are redirected to another page.
  4. Link Farms – Sites used for artificially increasing the link popularity of a site.

By using Black hat SEO techniques, you build pages specifically for the spiders, thus giving your visitors a bad experience and nullifying any chances of your reader becoming a customer and running the risk of having your site banned by search engines.

2. Targeting the Wrong Keywords

Keywords Research Communication

The goal is not to optimize for keywords you think are right but for what the readers would search for when coming to your site. We often forget to think from the readers’ perspective, thus missing out on a lot of targeted traffic.

For instance, a website based on relationships optimized for the keyword “relationship guide” might fare much better if the targeted keyword was “dating advice.” In order to investigate the numerous keyword alternatives, you can use online tools such as Google Keyword Tool.

3. Ignoring the Title Tag

The title tag is an important tag as far as SEO is considered; it not only serves as the title for the page you are on but also as the heading in search engine results.

It enables you to generate a positive first impression on potential website visitors and is frequently the determining factor in whether or not someone would click and visit your site.

4. Using Javascript, Flash, or Images Without HTML Alternatives

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Many readers around the globe still use older versions of browsers, which are not compatible with either JavaScript, flash, or other new technologies. Furthermore, there may be instances where the connection is so slow that the hefty flash images take an excessive amount of time to download.

If easy HTML replacements are not supplied in such circumstances, you risk losing a significant number of potential clients.

Paid Placements (PPC) and Mistakes to Avoid

PPC - Pay per Click Concept Businessman Working Concept

Paid placements on search engines are used for displaying ads on the search engines by bidding on the chosen keywords. Paid placements offer a good advertising medium and, when implemented properly, can help you get very good results from the marketing campaign.

To ensure that you get the best ROI, there are a few pitfalls to guard against:

1. Improper Keyword Research

Keyword research forms the base of any good successful search engine marketing campaign. As with SEO, the aim is to think from the readers’ perspective and then decide on the keywords.

 Keywords Research for SEO

You can use online tools such as Google Keyword Tool and Wordtracker to help you get the best keywords. Look into variations for the keywords which let you get the same amount of traffic at a lower cost per click or impression.

For instance, “ski vacation” with almost 60,000 searches a month costs about $5 per click, where as “ski lodge” and “ski trip” with 4000 searches each are just $0.5 per click.

2. Neither Testing nor Tracking

It is imperative to create an ad that is not only attractive but also gets the viewers curious enough to click on them. You need to experiment with the colors, search terms, landing page content, ad copy, calls-to-action, and more, to check where the ad can be optimized.

The placement of the ad is also very important. Tracking helps you in the same by giving you detailed feedback on your ads.

3. Using One Ad for All Products

Online Marketing Commercial Connection Technology

Having a single ad showcasing all your products will result in you getting more untargeted traffic and fewer chances of converting a visitor into a customer.

It is important to have customized ads for each product or keyword and a landing page accordingly.

4. Ignoring Landing Pages

Landing pages are the key to converting your visitors into customers. Not only should they be optimized and attractive, but they should also contain all the information the visitor would need to know about the product.

Having a single landing page, for instance, the homepage, for all your ads will not get your desired results; each ad needs to be associated with its customized landing page.