4 Best Free Social Media Monitoring Tools: Meet Your Audience and Get Feedbacks

We all have one goal, to succeed in what we are best at. It is incredibly important to communicate and interact with customers if you offer your services or products to clients through the site, run a blog, have a business, a new brand on the scene, etc.

Also, to “equip” yourself with all the tools which will help you to listen to their talks and, on the other hand, track and research the clients whose attention you want to attract. Creating without feedback and relying only on your gut feeling will often not bring the best results.

Unfortunately, we cannot predict many things, so researching clients and their aspirations is one step closer to success and top. Knowing where and in what context your product, service, brand, or something else you offer is mentioned is very helpful for your company growth. No matter what the feedback is, it will be beneficial.

Through it, you will know in which direction you need to move what to change or improve. Social media are an integral part of your business. Advertising, commenting, or mentioning is often done through social networks. The first information is often learned in this way, and a great number of comments are exactly on the social networks.

The world seems to revolve around likes, shares, comments. Whether you are a fan of this or a big opponent, this way of advertising is an indispensable part of the job. The biggest winners are those who manage to use social media as an advertising tool and a place from where they take feedback from customers and turn it to their advantage.

Social networks in themselves or their performance can work in your favor. Namely, their prevalence and popularity are significant. You want to advertise on a visited site, and currently, the most visited places on the Internet are social networks.

However, what we strive for today is monitoring everything related to your brand or product, and following that desire, you will need proper tools for monitoring. If you use social networks in combination with monitoring tools, we are sure that you will improve your business.

This post seeks to provide a tool to assist you in the most efficient manner possible. To make things even better, we decided to investigate which free tools are accessible and which of them will provide you with the most chances and benefits.

1. Mention


The first tool we present to you is Mention. An extremely well-created tool that will allow you to monitor social networking platforms such as Instagram or Twitter and monitoring sites with high-level news and blogs.

Although every monitoring of a brand or product is really important, we often know how to be overwhelmed with not-so-important information. To avoid this, Mention has also created advanced alerts to keep you informed of essential information.

In addition to this, we would like to point out the advantages of this tool, such as the listening function, which gives you more insight into your audience based on mentions on social networks. Not to be overlooked is the social networking feature, which will make it easier to manage posts for different platforms and save extra, valuable time.

2. TweetDeck


This is an entirely free tool for all users of the Twitter platform. Use TweetDeck to search for your brand name, product, or any other relevant topics and keywords.

In addition to monitoring, it also offers the option of scheduling the publication and management of multiple accounts from one easy-to-use dashboard. We recommend using this tool with special care because the Twitter social network is one of the most popular, and monitoring it can give you a good insight into the state of your product/brand/service or similar.

3. Talkwalker


Talkwalker is a tool with an interesting name and even more interesting features. With this tool, you get the ability to see real-time insights into conversations that take place on major social media platforms and across the web. Pretty interesting, isn’t it?!

The tool offers its free and paid version. As part of the free version, you get several free tracking tools on social networks, such as mention alerts and a social search tool that tracks mentions from all over the web and on Twitter.

The features of the paid version are something amazing. With Social Intelligence, you can follow not only text and comments, but it can also be used to track logos, social images, and videos. We recommend using the free version, and if you are satisfied with this tool, immerse yourself in the fantastic possibilities of the paid version.

4. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is the last but no less good than its predecessors, which we present to you today. It is adorned with features such as the epithet that it is one of the most accessible tools to use and that it works on all major social networks.

All you have to do is type in the keywords of interest and see for yourself all the capabilities of Hootsuite.


We are sure that you are interested in this topic and that if you do not already use one of these tools or this technique of listening to clients, you will consider it. We recommend that you do tests with tools and choose the one that gives you the best results.

Whichever you choose, you will not repent. Each tool is carefully designed to give you the best results for monitoring and get you the feedback you want.