The Sims 4 Iconic Witcher 3: Blood & Wine Location
The Sims 4 Updates: Redditor Paprykeria uploaded the images of their The Sims 4 creation of Corvo Bianco from The Witcher 3 expansion Blood and Wine, and it’s massive, to say the least.
A Redditor named Paprykeria uploaded photos of their The Sims 4 recreation of Corvo Bianco from The Witcher 3. Corvo Bianco is a vineyard in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt expansion Blood and Wine and it’s given to Geralt as part payment for his completion of the contract.
It turns out to be his home during the expansion where he can rest, sleep, renovate as he likes. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by CD Projekt was released back in 2015, and Blood and White expansion were followed in 2016.
The distinct feature of Sims 4 lets player customizes their own character in every detail, from how they look and the career they pursue.
The Sims 4 Blood & Wine Location

Players can also build their own houses and buildings from the scratch, which is what most of the players love about this game, The Sims 4 was made differently from the Sims 3 as the EA and Maxis knew that building was an important aspect to the players and they wanted players to feel to be in control of the game and create what they wish throughout the process.
The tools which allow players to build are top-notch as the results which pan out of the editing tools are stunning, the tools also provide attention to details allowing players to design rooms in their own style and even recreate the structure.
A total of 14 images were posted by Reddit user Paprykeria and her creation of Corvo Bianco vineyard, and it is expansive. Let alone the main building, they also recreated the rock entrance behind the house, the side patio, the outdoor eating area with the brick oven, and the garden areas.
In some of the pictures, they also added Yennefer, Dandelion, and Geralt sims. The tone and atmosphere of the Blood and Wine are different from the base game, with the scenery being bright with the vineyard and the surrounding region, Papryekeria managed to capture the true essence in the recreation. With the background being bright and welcoming, the interior of the house with decorations true to the story and The Witcher 3.
Though there are multiple endings to Blood and Wine expansion could have had which is in some way similar to the main storyline.
The building has always been fun activity in Sims 4 and surely is one of the best parts of the game. It’s easy to spend hours creating home for sims only to not wanting to play them and just make new characters and houses. Creation as such show how the creativity of players layout the thoughts and longevity of the game and their lasting impacts.
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