How to Move a Site from WordPress Multisite to Single Install 2021

Step 1: Getting started
To move a website from a WordPress multisite network, you will need a domain name.

If you already have a domain name where you want to install a single site, then you’re ready to go.

If you do not have a different domain name, you will need to register a new domain name and add it to your hosting account. With some of the best domain registrars out there, you might even get it free, at least for a limited time. For more information, see our article on how to register a domain name.

Alternatively, you can purchase a different hosting account and domain name with your new WordPress installation.

We recommend using Bluehost. They offer a free domain name with an open discount on hosting. Basically, you can start at $ 2.75 a month.

After getting your domain name and hosting, the next step is to install WordPress. See our step-by-step installation tutorial if you need help.

Important: As you will be making major changes to your WordPress multisite, it is necessary to create a complete WordPress backup before doing anything else.

Now that everything is set up, let’s move the site from a WordPress multisite network to its single installation.

Step 2: Export One Site to WordPress Multisite Network
The built-in import / export functionality of WordPress works in the same way on multisite as it does in single site installation. We will use the default tools to export data from a WordPress multisite network site.

First, you need to sign in to the dashboard of one site you want to delete, and then click on Tools »Export. Next, you want to make sure all the content is checked and then click on the export button.

Exporting one site from the WordPress multisite network

WordPress will now create an XML file containing all your data and send it to your browser for download. Save the file to your computer because you will need it in the latest steps.

Step 3: Introducing the Children’s Site to a new domain
Log in to the WordPress admin area in the new location where you want to move your child’s site and go to the tools »Import. On the import screen, WordPress will show you many import options.

Import WordPress

You need to click on the ‘Apply Now’ link below ‘WordPress’. Wait for the importer to enter and click on the ‘Run Importer’ link.

Use WordPress Importer

On the next screen, you will be asked to download the WordPress export file you downloaded earlier to WordPress multisite.

Upload an import file

Click the Select file button to select a file from your computer and then click the ‘Upload file and download’ button.

On the next screen, WordPress will ask if you would like to import users. If you do nothing, WordPress will host all users. This is recommended if you do not want to change authors.

You will see the attachment option, and you want to make sure it has been tested so that WordPress can download images from your posts and pages (Don’t worry if you miss some of your photos or more.).

Update import settings

Click the ‘Submit’ button to continue.

WordPress will now begin importing your content. This will take a few minutes depending on how much content you have. When you’re done, you’ll see a ‘All done, Enjoy’ announcement.

Import completed

That’s all. You have successfully imported data from the children’s site into a multisite network into individual WordPress installations. There are still a few things to do.

Step 4: Setting redirect
If you have been using default domains for each site on your WordPress multisite network, then you do not need to set any redirects.

However, if you are using subdomains or a directory structure on your WordPress multisite, you will need to set up redirects so that users who come to your old URLs are redirected to your new site.

There are two ways to do this. You can set redirects using WordPress plugins (recommended) or you can add specific code to your WordPress .htaccess file.

We’ll show you both ways, you can choose the one that suits you best.

Note: Make sure your old site on the multisite network and the site on the new domain both use the same permalink structure.

Method 1. To set the redirect using the Redirection Plugin

First, you need to install the Redirection plugin in your WordPress Multisite.

You can connect the Network to the plugin or you can log in as Super Admin to your child’s site and activate the Redirection plugin for that site only.

After that, you need to visit the administrator dashboard for the children’s site you want to reset the redirect.

Redirecting from a subdomain to a new domain

The redirection plugin makes it very easy to identify a domain name in a different domain name.

Just go to Tools »Redirect the page and switch to the ‘Site’ tab.

Identify the new domain name

Just enter your new domain name and click the ‘Refresh’ button to save your settings.

The plugin will start redirecting all users of your site to your new domain name with the appropriate permalink format.

The beauty of this method is that you can still log in to your domain administrator

Redirect from Directory to new domain

If your multisite uses a directory-based URL guide, the redirection plugin makes it easy to redirect it to your new domain.

Just go to Tools »The site redirect page on your site below, and click the Apply New button at the top.

Adding a new redirect rule

This will take you to redirecting the set form. Here’s how you need to complete that form:

Source URL: ^ children’s place /(.*)$
Specified URL:$1

Don’t forget to change ‘URL Options / Regex’ to Regex and click the Add Redirect button to save your settings.

An indication of root redirect

You can now visit your site below to see which redirect works.

Method 2. To set the redirect using the .htaccess file

This way, you need to add redirect rules to your .htaccess file to your WordPress hosting account for your multisite network.

The subdomain to redirect to New Domain

By domain installation