How To Choose Your Blog Topic in 2021

The first step to starting a blog is to choose your topic.

When considering a good blog post, there are two things to keep in mind:

You need to be passionate about your topic and show commitment. You will be spending a lot of time with your topic, so make sure it is something you really like and enjoy. It is the only way to ensure that you will continue to feel motivated and driven for 1 year, let alone five years.
Your article should help your readers and give value to them. Although sometimes you may feel like it, your blog is not for you. It’s about your readers and your visitors finding your post useful, helpful, or otherwise fun. In other words, your topic should be able to provide the number of your readers.
These two guidelines are all you need to consider when choosing a topic for your blog.

Both you and your readers should feel like a topic and your content is something you will spend time with.

6 helpful ideas for blog topics:

Not sure what blogging is right now? No problem!

Here are a few simple and quick ways to get the perfect blog title:

1: Recreation
You can write with a hobby that is close to your heart. You will never use our ideas or feel like you do not know enough about the topic.

Writing a blog about your hobby is a great way to connect with like-minded people around the world.

2: Anxiety
What is one thing you will never stop talking about? Why not start a blog about it?

We all have different interests and desires. For some it may be coffee, yoga, or politics, while others prefer tea, running, or energy.

Whatever your interest, it will help you to keep writing inspirational blogs for years to come.

3: You yourself
We all have different ideas and experiences regarding very different topics.

You can start a successful blog about yourself by living your life and sharing your thoughts with the world.

If you have a strong personality (not to the point of annoying others), blogging about yourself can attract readers and spark conversations that will help your blog gain more momentum.

4: Family
We all come from different backgrounds and backgrounds. There is something about reading someone else’s family story that arouses our interest and attention.

Of course, you do not need to go into details and share confidential information.

For example, one of the most popular family topics is blogging pregnancy and daily life when a new family member has arrived and changed the world.

5: Life experience
We have all learned a lot of lessons in our whole lives, good and bad. Blogging about what you have learned so far can help others face similar problems or obstacles, wherever they read your blog.

Sometimes very simple advice can help a person who is struggling with a difficult time in his life more than you can imagine.

But life experiences can also be as simple as writing about how you become an expat in another country or how your life has been since you decided to get married.

Health and wellness are among the most rewarding benefits for bloggers. People always need information on how to stay fit: they need anti-aging procedures, diet, exercise, and more. Blogs about life and all related things increase traffic and bring profits. Just check out all the health and fitness topics on Google Trends – and you’ll find that to be true.

Wide article, and you won’t have any problems with the content ideas for your blog. Write about a healthy diet or diet, share expert tips for weight loss, educate the audience on better sleep management and less stress, write reviews of health products, and more.

But please send data-driven and scientifically proven data to your WordPress blog. You don’t have to be a medical professional to write about health, but be prepared to spend time researching before engaging in something that could affect the health and well-being of your students. Also invite professionals to share their knowledge again (when you are older).


Source: Explosive Articles

Self-defense (physical health, safety, and a safe environment) is one of the three basic ways everyone has it, so it’s no wonder why diet and lifestyle blogs are so popular. Everyone needs (and loves!) Food, which is why blogs with recipes or interesting facts about food attract a wider audience. The data taken from the Explosive Articles on the slope of the food mean it all.

You will never miss the content of your WordPress blog about food. Post recipes, share food videos, educate audiences about international cuisine, review cafes menus and local restaurants, publish interesting questions about food, and more.

Pay attention to the visual content of your food blog: Photos need to catch the eye and water the mouth.


Also remember:

No matter what theme you choose for the WordPress blog, do your best to create useful content for your audience. Write compelling essays, prepare them for both people and search engines, format them for better readability, share expert information and ideas – and your audience will find you.

8: Lifestyle
Lastly, writing a lifestyle blog is probably the most popular topic out there.

Fashion, make-up, interior design, travel, shopping, durability… The list is long!

Life blogs can be amazingly successful by attracting readers and making money by blogging if done right.

If this is your thing, tag it and let’s start your blog right away!

Finally, a word of advice:
Try not to overreact when selecting your theme. Bloggers are starting to get caught up in analytics, which means they think too much to the point where they feel insecure about everything that they just give up and forget about blogging altogether.

Don’t be one of them!

Just choose a topic you like, find your blog online, and start creating content by setting your heart on every creative blog post. That’s all there is to it!

Okay, so you edited your title? Good! Next, it’s time to choose a name for your blog.

Obviously, this blog is about blogging. And it is about finding practical ways to start a successful blog from scratch.

That being said, your blog name should be:

Unique and clear:
Choose a name to communicate with and that your readers can understand. If you are blogging about food, for example, try adding a food-related name to your blog name.
Your blog name should tell your readers that your blog is about the first time they saw it.
Easy to spell:
Choose a word that is easy to spell and spell. My sixth rule is: you should be able to tell someone at a coffee shop without asking how it is written. Chances are they will be looking for it on Google, so they need to be able to type your blog name correctly.
I would recommend coming up with 3-5 words ideas at this point.

Once you’ve found some blog names, you’ll need to choose a domain name extension. The preferred domain extension is “.com”. Also, “.org” and “.net” are popular.

If you wish to write to students in a particular country, consider choosing a country / country language-related extension such as “.fr” for the French blog or “.de” for the blog in German.