Hong Kong Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals

Hong Kong, located in the tropical cyclone-prone South China Sea, experiences frequent threats from tropical cyclones during the typhoon season, which typically spans from May to November. To keep residents and visitors safe, the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) issues Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals (TCWS) to alert the public about impending storms. Understanding these warning signals and knowing how to respond is essential for preparedness and safety. In this article, we’ll explore the different TCWS levels and the recommended actions for each.

Understanding Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals

Understanding Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals are issued by the HKO to inform the public about the threat posed by approaching tropical cyclones. There are a total of ten TCWS levels, numbered from 1 to 10, with each level indicating the intensity of the cyclone and the expected impact on Hong Kong. The signals are designed to provide early warnings and guidance for individuals, businesses, and government agencies to take appropriate precautions.

TCWS Levels and Recommended Actions

1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 (TC1)

   – TC1 is the lowest level of warning, indicating that a tropical cyclone is within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong and may affect the territory.

   – Recommended Actions: Residents and businesses should stay informed about the latest weather updates and prepare for potential changes in weather conditions. Outdoor activities can continue, but caution is advised.

2. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 (TC3)

   – TC3 is issued when a tropical cyclone is expected to pose a threat to Hong Kong within 12 to 18 hours, with wind speeds increasing.

   – Recommended Actions: Secure loose objects, close windows and doors, and take precautions to safeguard property. Outdoor activities should be avoided, and residents are advised to stay indoors.

3. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (TC8)

   – TC8 is raised when a tropical cyclone is approaching Hong Kong and poses a direct threat to the territory, with stronger winds and heavy rain expected.

   – Recommended Actions: Residents should stay indoors and away from windows. Secure outdoor objects and prepare emergency supplies. Be prepared for power outages and disruptions to transportation services.

4. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 9 (TC9)

   – TC9 indicates that a severe tropical cyclone is nearing Hong Kong, with very strong winds and heavy rainfall expected.

   – Recommended Actions: Residents should stay indoors and away from windows. Secure outdoor objects and take shelter in a safe location. Be prepared for widespread damage and potential flooding.

5. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 10 (TC10)

   – TC10 is the highest level of warning, signifying that a typhoon is directly affecting Hong Kong, with violent winds, torrential rain, and dangerous storm surges.

   – Recommended Actions: Residents should remain indoors and take shelter in a safe and sturdy building. Stay away from windows and avoid unnecessary travel. Follow instructions from the government and emergency services.

Preparing for Tropical Cyclones

Preparing for Tropical Cyclones

In addition to heeding Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals, residents and businesses in Hong Kong should take proactive measures to prepare for typhoons and other severe weather events. Some essential preparedness actions include:

– Developing an Emergency Plan: Create a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, designated shelters, and communication protocols. Ensure that all family members are aware of the plan and know what to do in the event of a typhoon.

– Stocking Emergency Supplies: Prepare an emergency kit containing essential supplies such as food, water, medications, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and important documents. Keep the kit readily accessible in case of evacuation or prolonged power outages.

– Securing Property: Take steps to secure your home and property against strong winds and heavy rain. Trim tree branches, secure loose objects, reinforce windows and doors, and clear gutters and drains to prevent flooding.

– Staying Informed: Stay tuned to official weather updates and advisories issued by the Hong Kong Observatory through radio broadcasts, television, social media, and mobile apps. Monitor Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals closely and follow instructions from the government and emergency services.


Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals play a critical role in alerting the public about the threat posed by tropical cyclones in Hong Kong. By understanding the different TCWS levels and taking appropriate actions to prepare for severe weather events, residents and businesses can minimize risks, protect lives and property, and enhance resilience in the face of natural disasters. Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay safe.