Best WordPress Plugins for Creating a Sticky Menu sticky submenu wordpress 2021

Sticky Header by ThematoSoup

Sticky Header by ThematoSoup

Sticky Header by ThematoSoup can make a clingy header for your site. Your header with menu included will demonstrate your image to clients in a best manner just as improve client experience.


  • Make route menu at that point add it to Sticky Header
  • Transfer your clingy header logo
  • Tweak clingy header foundation shading
  • Pick content shading for clingy header
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceberg


  • Responsive for portable screen
  • Lightweight
  • Simple to utilize

Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll

Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll lets you make a menu (just as anything) clingy to the highest point of page when you look down. This sort of menu is very helpful for clients, and you ought to consider this module in light of its steady employment.


  • Situating from top
  • Any component can stick
  • Permit certain screen measures as it were
  • Push-up component
  • Administrator bar mindful
  • Heritage, dynamic and investigate mode
  • And the sky is the limit from there


  • Compelling module
  • Easy to utilize
  • Wonderful help

Side Menu Lite – add sticky fixed buttons

Side Menu Lite – add sticky fixed buttons

Side Menu Lite is made to assemble clingy menu on sidebar on your site. Utilizing it, you can include fixed slideout fastens just as supplement connects or make route menu.


  • Make boundless measure of side menus
  • Including custom ID and Classes
  • Show menu at Left and Right
  • Menu thing size control
  • Symbol and text dimension control
  • Show control on gadgets
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceberg


  • A lot of accessible beautiful text styles and symbols
  • Great highlights

Catch Sticky Menu

Catch Sticky Menu

On the off chance that you need a basic yet successful module to bolt menu on the header of your site, you should investigate Catch Sticky Menu. This module empowers you to make menu that can’t vanish when clients look down.


  • Make clingy menu
  • Custom clingy menu style
  • Clingy z list
  • Make your site components clingy
  • Decide to show the clingy menu on the landing page as it were
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceberg


  • Highlight rich
  • Fundamental however great!

WP Floating Menu

WP Floating Menu

WP Floating Menu is another WordPress clingy menu module that permit yoou make clingy route menu. Utilizing this module, you have to characterize areas on your page first, at that point make menu in hardly any means. Besides, you can put clingy menu in better places according to your necessity.


  • Simple sort capable menu
  • Two diverse menu positions Right and Left
  • Inbuilt menu symbol set
  • Empower debilitate alternative for cell phones
  • And the sky is the limit from there


  • Completely responsive
  • Free updates for lifetime
  • Free email and gathering support

Simple Sticky Header on Scroll

Simple Sticky Header on Scroll

Simple Sticky Header on Scroll will make clingy and slide-down header for your site despite which subject you utilizing is. Along these lines, you can add a naviagtion menu to header then it will end up being a clingy menu.


  • Include your logo and menu
  • Set custom parchment separation for clingy header’s appearance
  • Shading alter each component
  • Flat menu switches over to a dropdown menu for responsive
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceberg


  • Brisk and straightforward arrangement
  • Can customization progressively

Fixed And Sticky Header

Fixed And Sticky Header

With the capacity to include clingy header, Fixed And Sticky Header makes your menu fixed and noticeable untouched. This module likewise permits you effectively alter the style of menu to fit consummately your structure.


  • Fixed the header subsequent to including class or id in module setting
  • Include foundation shading for fixed header
  • Include content shading
  • Fixed header on given parchment
  • And that’s just the beginning


  • Amicable interface
  • Straightforward and viable

Fixed Menu Anchor

Fixed Menu Anchor

Not the same as different WordPress clingy menu module, Fixed Menu Anchor causes you characterize the separation between screen top and stay target. In the event that you have just utilized a clingy menu, this module is a helpful device to alter the perfect separation between components on you site.


  • Characterize a standard separation between screen top and grapple target
  • Set up a separation esteem in administrator dashboard
  • Characterize a certain CSS-class
  • Subject skeptic
  • Program freethinker
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceberg


  • Helpful for a clingy menu
  • Simple to arrange
  • Straightforward

Float menu – awesome floating side menu

Float menu – awesome floating side menu

With the assistance of this module, you can make and include a skimming menu (clingy menu) to your site and spot it at the left or right on the page. You can utilize it for making site route, fundamental menu; contact obstruct, extra menu and then some. In addition, this module accompanies bounty alternatives to improve the style of menu.


  • Make boundless menu
  • 2 situations to show the board: left or right on the page
  • Include and modify marks of the catches
  • Alter indents between the menu things
  • more than 1400+ Font Awesome 5 symbols
  • Square state of the catches
  • Select the shading for every symbol
  • Set the foundation shading for the catch
  • And that’s just the beginning


  • Pleasant style
  • Great job
  • Countless choices of modifying