Angry IP Scanner Download – Fast Network IP Scanner


Angry IP scanner is a very easy to use, fast network IP scanner – basically a cross-platform IP address and port scanner. It can scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports, it’s also very lightweight and doesn’t require any installation, it can be freely copied and used anywhere.

Angry IP Scanner Download - Fast Network IP Scanner

Angry IP scanner simply pings each IP address to check if it’s alive, then optionally it is resolving its hostname, determines the MAC address, scans ports, etc. The amount of gathered data about each host can be extended with plugins.

How Angry IP Scanner Works

Angry IP Scanner implements several different methods of detecting alive hosts (pinging).

As a rule, if hosts don’t respond to pings, they are considered dead and therefore not scanned further. This behaviour can be changed in the Preferences dialogue -> Scanning tab. In the same place, you can also select the pinging method:

  • ICMP Echo pinging – This is the same method used by the ping program.
  • ICMP.DLL pinging – This is Windows-only pinging method to compensate for the absence of Raw Sockets.
  • UDP packet pinging – This pinging method is preferred when you don’t have administrative privileges.
  • TCP port probe – This method tries to connect to some TCP port that is unlikely to be filtered (e.g. 80).

Features of Angry IP Scanner

  • Very fast (multi-threaded)
  • Scan IP addresses in any range
  • Scan for open ports
  • Cross-platform
  • Portable (doesn’t require installation)
  • Hostname Resolution
  • MAC address capture
  • NetBIOS information gathering
    • Computer Name
    • WorkGroup Name
    • Logged in User
  • Favourite IP ranges
  • Web Server detection
  • Customizable openers
  • Scanning results in:

There are others you can check out too like:

Advanced IP Scanner – Fast Lightweight Free Windows Port Scanner
evilscan – Massive IP Port Scanner

Download Angry IP Scanner

You can download Angry IP Scanner here:

Or read more here.


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