TotallyScience GitLab Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

GitLab serves as a vital platform for developers, providing a collaborative environment for code management and version control. However, like any software, it can encounter occasional hiccups that may disrupt workflows. If you’re experiencing issues with GitLab on TotallyScience, rest assured that there are solutions available. In this troubleshooting guide, we’ll walk you through common GitLab problems and their corresponding fixes, ensuring a seamless experience for you and your development team.

Slow Performance or Laggy Response Times

1. Slow Performance or Laggy Response Times

A common issue users face is slow performance on GitLab. This can be attributed to various factors, including server load, network issues, or even browser-related problems.


– Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable and fast internet connection to eliminate network-related problems.

– Verify Server Status: Visit GitLab’s status page to check if there are any ongoing incidents or server issues.

– Clear Browser Cache: Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can often improve performance.

2. Login or Authentication Problems

Difficulty logging into GitLab or encountering authentication errors can be frustrating and may prevent you from accessing your repositories.


– Reset Password: If you’ve forgotten your password, use the “Forgot your password?” option on the login page to reset it.

– Check Username and Password: Ensure that you’re entering the correct username and password combination.

– Verify Two-Factor Authentication: If enabled, make sure you’re providing the correct two-factor authentication code.

3. Issues with Repository Access

Being unable to access or clone repositories is a critical problem for developers. This could be due to incorrect permissions or repository settings.


– Check Repository Permissions: Verify that you have the necessary permissions to access the repository.

– Review SSH Key Configuration: Ensure your SSH key is correctly added to your GitLab account if you’re using SSH for authentication.

4. Error Messages During Push or Pull Operations

Encountering error messages while performing push or pull operations can be indicative of a range of issues, from connectivity problems to conflicts in code.


– Review Error Messages: Read the error messages carefully to understand the specific issue.

– Check Connectivity: Ensure you have a stable internet connection and that you’re not experiencing any network issues.

5. Problems with Merge Requests

Issues with merge requests can arise due to conflicts in code, incorrect permissions, or problems with the GitLab instance.


– Resolve Code Conflicts: If there are code conflicts during a merge request, carefully review and resolve them.

– Verify Merge Request Settings: Ensure that the merge request settings, including source and target branches, are configured correctly.

6. Issues with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

GitLab’s CI/CD pipelines are essential for automating code testing and deployment. Problems with CI/CD can lead to delays in the development process.


– Check .gitlab-ci.yml: Review your CI/CD configuration file to ensure it’s correctly set up.

– Examine Runner Status: Ensure that the GitLab Runner is properly configured and operational.

7. GitLab Instance is Unreachable

If you’re unable to access your GitLab instance entirely, it could be due to server-related issues.


– Check Server Status: Verify if the server hosting GitLab is operational and if there are any ongoing incidents.


Encountering issues with GitLab on TotallyScience can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can quickly get back to a smooth development workflow. By following the solutions outlined above, you’ll be equipped to address common problems and ensure that your experience with GitLab remains seamless and productive. If you encounter persistent issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to GitLab support for further assistance.