5+ Employees Can Help with Branding

Employees exposed to the company’s products and services daily have unique insights that you won’t find anywhere else. Several employees might be uncomfortable with the idea of branding assistance if a business owner came out to pitch it.

To help employees feel more involved in branding efforts takes tact, understanding, and the right approach.

1. Create Committees

We create committees each quarter to tackle new marketing and branding initiatives. These projects are not meant to replace daily tasks but rather help build our brand.

Group of Diverse People Having a Business Meeting

We give them a budget, and they can set their own goals. These committees are invited to present their work at the end of each quarter. We get many great projects done, and the team loves the structure.

2. Ask Them for Career Tips

My employees, mostly software developers, are asked to share career tips on LinkedIn, Medium, and other media. This helps us to build our brand among developers.

Because it is relevant to their job, it’s simple to write, and the staff is enthusiastic about it. This helps us to attract more candidates for our job requirements.

3. Sustainable Incentives

Due to the rise of disruptors and different industries, people are more likely to switch jobs. Create extrinsic motivations for employees to take part in company branding.

Encourage employees who participate in charity runs for the company via email—track who joins your LinkedIn group or other social media and reward them with stylish, practical swag.

4. Invest in Company Swag

You can encourage your employees to contribute to branding by purchasing company swag. We give our employees quality, branded clothing like sweaters and hats every year.

Our employees appreciate the gifts, and they will wear the company gear out and about, which is an excellent way for brand awareness.

5. Gamify the Experience

Businesspeople Standing Outside Office Building

Make a game where employees can share company posts with their colleagues and see who gets the most engagement. Employees who get the most attention at the quarter’s end get a bonus of an Amazon gift certificate.

Gamification can improve customer experience, but it can also encourage employees to participate in the business.

6. Engage them in the Creative Process

Include the entire team in brand-building efforts. This is more than asking them to post something on a company’s Facebook page. It’s about making them an integral part.

We have been filming a YouTube series recently with our employees as the main characters in each episode. It’s engaging and fun; everyone loves it, and it works excellent for our brand.

7. Make a Social Media Training Program

Social media is as essential as any other branding platform, so you can use this information to develop a social media brand program. This will teach your team how branding strategies can be applied to the social media accounts of your company so that they have experience and help with branding.

8. Make Graphics for Social Media

Woman Holding Snapchat Logo With His Friends Showing Thumbup Sign

Your employees can help you brand your company with great graphics that they can use. This reduces the amount of effort required to post on social media. Your business can gain pride by using fun graphics.

9. Sustainable Incentives

Due to the rise of disruptors and different industries, people are more likely to switch jobs. Create extrinsic motivations for employees to take part in company branding.

Encourage employees who participate in charity runs for the company via email—track who joins your LinkedIn group or other social media and reward them with stylish, practical swag.

10. Get Feedback

Asking your team for feedback on branding items will make them more interested in the brand, and it is a great way to get them involved in the brand’s initiatives. It is also a great way to encourage team members to share social media photos, especially if they are tagged.

11. Be Proud of Yourself

Although our team is small, we have been able to attend some fantastic conferences around the globe. Our team is proud to have the opportunity to travel and experience these fantastic experiences.

They are eager to contribute to our branding efforts. They know that the more we do, the better our brand is known and the more opportunities there are.

12. Display Your Talent

Invite your employees to showcase the talent you offer. Each employee can be invited to a live, personal interview on the corporate website or media.

Employees will be excited to see their achievements recognized and will likely share the content with others. Potential prospects might be able to identify with your employees and may reach out directly.

13. Inbound Marketing

Ad blocking is a common adaptation that consumers make to avoid being interrupted while consuming digital content. Marketers must find meaningful, practical content to reach consumers.

This will allow them to block irrelevant, intrusive, and interruptive ads. If you get them to learn more, they will be open to a more extended conversation.

14. Retargeting

The Arrow Hits One of the Targets Marketing Campaign

Nature is very intrusive with ads. Retargeting is the best way to make your ads more relevant and effective.

Customers who have visited your site or a similar site are more likely than not to see the ad. Customers should know that we bring them value, not just selling products or services.

15. AI and Predictive Marketing Investments

We are often exposed to intrusive, non-targeted ads in today’s advertising world, where AI and predictive technologies play a significant role.

To ensure that they target the right audience with the right content and through the proper channels, companies need to invest more in AI and predictive marketing.


Communication professionals have many options to deliver key messages and campaigns within their organization. It is simple and effective to communicate with employees by reaching them at their desks using the real estate available on their computer screens.