6 Strategies for Creating Your Weekly Schedule [Setting Goals, Plans and Deadlines]

Organization of time is extremely important if you want to make the most of your day. By making sure you have a set schedule that includes both your time for work and leisure, you can get a lot of things done in the most efficient way possible while still having some extra time to relax after a job well done.

Managing your time can also lower your stress levels since you won’t have to worry about a million things at once. It can also help you steer clear from engaging in more things than you can deal with at the moment.

1. Set Your Goals

Firstly, look at the big picture and set your most important and time-sensitive goals for the week.

Hands Writing Business Plan On the Sheet

After you have done that part, space the goals out well throughout the week, keeping in mind approximately how much time it will take you to achieve each individual objectively, as they might greatly differ in the time you have to put in to accomplish them.

2. Be Realistic and Avoid Overloading

It would be best if you could take an educated guess and deduce whether you can or can not fit certain tasks into a specific timeframe. Of course, it is better to overestimate the time it takes you to finish something rather than underestimate it.

There are just some things you will not be able to predict, and as John Lennon once said: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

3. Plan Your Work Obligations

When you’re picking the time to get some work done, you should make a timetable with tasks for the day. Before you start anything, you should confirm that you have no meetings or important arrangements that could disrupt your work.

Also, to maximize your productivity and efficiency, there should be no distractions in those timeslots you have reserved for work. However, make sure to count in the breaks, as well.

4. Assign Deadlines

Sad Female Workaholic Keeps Hands Under Chin

Every task you set out to do should have its due date. Naturally, you have to estimate how long it will take you to carry out each task. Don’t try to cram the tasks just before it is too late, as this will potentially make you fall behind on your other tasks, which will, in turn, cause you more headaches and possibly even disrupt your weekly goals.

Sticking to deadlines is crucial to keeping your schedule well-organized and your work done on time.

5. Prioritize Tasks

Create a list of your tasks and sort them out by priority. This way, you will not waste any of your precious time on tasks that can be done later on while accidentally neglecting the tasks that have a sooner due date or are simply just more important.

Don’t forget to place a lot of emphasis on tasks that could bottleneck your long-term goals or perhaps delay the progression of the project you’re currently working on.

6. Save Some Time for Leisure

Naturally, you can’t be working 24/7. Be sure to save enough time to get some sleep and take breaks in between the time slots you’ve reserved for work. Otherwise, you will just spend more energy you don’t have to do half the amount of work you would’ve done when well-rested.

Make some time for your friends and family, hobbies, and relaxing. Burnouts are all too common nowadays, and to prevent them, you need to take care of yourself.

Sincere Laugh and Showing Picture on the Smartphone


If you’ve followed these tips to create your perfect weekly schedule, and if you try to stick to them as best as you can, you should have no problem organizing your work and balancing it with other aspects of your life.

Having a well-structured schedule and adhering to it should lower your stress and make your life a whole lot easier.