Ettercap – A Suite For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks


Usage: ettercap [OPTIONS] [TARGET1] [TARGET2]


TARGET is in the format MAC/IPs/PORTs (see the man for further detail)


Sniffing and Attack options:

M, mitm METHOD:ARGS> perform a mitm attack

o, onlymitm dont sniff, only perform the mitm attack

B, bridge IFACE> use bridged sniff (needs 2 ifaces)

p, nopromisc do not put the iface in promisc mode

u, unoffensive do not forward packets

r, read file> read data from pcapfile file>

f, pcapfilter string> set the pcap filter string>

R, reversed use reversed TARGET matching

t, proto proto> sniff only this proto (default is all)


User Interface Type:

T, text use text only GUI

q, quiet do not display packet contents

s, script CMD> issue these commands to the GUI

C, curses use curses GUI

G, gtk use GTK+ GUI

D, daemon daemonize ettercap (no GUI)


Logging options:

w, write file> write sniffed data to pcapfile file>

L, log logfile> log all the traffic to this logfile>

l, loginfo logfile> log only passive infos to this logfile>

m, logmsg logfile> log all the messages to this logfile>

c, compress use gzip compression on log files


Visualization options:

d, dns resolves ip addresses into hostnames

V, visual format> set the visualization format

e, regex regex> visualize only packets matching this regex

E, extheaders print extended header for every pck

Q, superquiet do not display user and password


General options:

i, iface iface> use this network interface

I, iflist show all the network interfaces

n, netmask netmask> force this netmask> on iface

P, plugin plugin> launch this plugin>

F, filter file> load the filter file> (content filter)

z, silent do not perform the initial ARP scan

j, loadhosts file> load the hosts list from file>

k, savehosts file> save the hosts list to file>

W, wepkey wkey> use this wep key to decrypt wifi packets

a, config config> use the alterative config file config>


Standard options:

U, update updates the databases from ettercap website

v, version prints the version and exit

h, help this help screen


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