Castlevania Season 5: Dracula Was Never a Villain
Castlevania Season 5 Updates: As Netflix’s Castlevania series finished, it offers a lot of disclosures, with one being that Dracula was never the antagonist of the series. While he fills in as a villain for two of the four seasons, his original plans for war made more villainous characters than he ever could’ve been.
When Dracula was alive, he married Lisa and had a child, Alucard. Lisa worked with medication, and at the same time she was healing others, she was focused by people of Targoviste, thinking that she was a witch. With Dracula unable to safeguard her, people consumed her at the stakeout of fear. Centering his pain into outrage, Dracula started killing the town out of revenge, starting a long conflict against humanity.
Dracula’s vampire army incorporated the conspiring Carmilla and other vampire leaders around the world, by the second season. Since Dracula’s grand vengeance was conceived out of sadness and outrage, he didn’t have a similar desire as the other vampires, who every time wanted to subjugate humanity.
Instead, he rather wanted to die with Lisa. This was proven in Season 2, Episode 7, “For Love,” when Alucard defied his father and told him that he died when his mother died and he also realized that he did it.
This whole catastrophe has been only history’s longest suicide note. In the end, Dracula got his desire after realizing the monster he had become and permitted Alucard to stake him through the heart, however with his death, the villains took advantage of their opportunities.
Castlevania Season 5: Main Villian
Carmilla, including many vampires, trusted Dracula was ill-suited to rule and wanted to have his place. A power vacuum was made, following his death that Carmilla and her vampire sisters took advantage of. Carmilla’s plans involved subjugating humanity and utilizing them like cows.

In any case, while displaying her plans to Lenore, it became apparent that she needed to outcome the world out of meanness against the men in power who wronged her. Throughout the years, her trauma and want for power rotted, winding her mind until her plans developed to become as dangerous as Dracula’s, yet unlike Dracula, Carmilla’s plans were fueled by a craving for power and vengeance instead of pain and misery.
The last two seasons revealed a portion of the most terrible villains in the series who aren’t vampires; they’re the one who always worshipped Dracula or is only evil in nature. The monk Sala, who lived in the town of Lindenfeld, needed nothing more than just to bring Dracula back from death and was willing to forfeit a whole town to do it.
This was transpiring under the nose of the town’s leader who was The Judge, who might frequently lead children into the forested areas and trap them in a pit, keeping their shoes as mementos after they were dead. Because of the lengths, they would go to for their wishes, these foes showed an unpredictability that conveys them a more prominent threat than Dracula.
Despite the fact that Dracula’s land was without a doubt evil, the last season discovered a villain who could undoubtedly top that. As the physical exemplification of death, the supernatural element looked to revive Dracula so his plan could proceed and the endless lives lost could feed his hunger. At last, his plans were flopped yet prevailed in show casing how evil Death was compared with the man he was attempting to revive.
Despite the fact that he was a tormenter for the first portion of the series, Dracula’s evil couldn’t measure up to those that came after him. The finale shows him and Lisa hiding from everything together, proving that he was never the show’s actual villain, simply a man in pain who just knew violence as a response.
Castlevania casts Richard Armitage as Trevor Belmont, Alejandra Reynoso as Sypha Belnades, James Callis as Alucard, Theo James as Hector, Adetokumboh M’Cormack as Isaac, Jaime Murray as Carmilla, Jessica Brown Findlay casts as Lenore, Bill Nighy known as St. Germain, Jason Isaacs as The Judge and Rila Fukushima known as Sumi. The whole series is now available on Netflix.
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